Volume 2: Why to Live with Less Energy? We Want Free Energy. Primary Sources of Energy and Their Limitations Gravity Motor: Golden Road to Unlimited Power Length 375 pages

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newBookmarkLockedFalling On The Ultimate Nature of Energy
Dr. Ramesh Menaria 0 1,148 by Dr. Ramesh Menaria
Jul 27, 2011 1:20:14 GMT -5


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Volume 2: Why to Live with Less Energy? We Want Free Energy. Primary Sources of Energy and Their Limitations Gravity Motor: Golden Road to Unlimited Power Length 375 pages

With deeper understanding of perpetual motion, I believe that science; cosmology, philosophy and religion all will converge on a single point. I believe that the next several decades will see a marrying of these disciplines and a cooperative effort to investigate the phenomena of nature hitherto unexplained. When that happens there will be a renaissance of understanding upon our planet, which in turn will be reflected in our human societies. This new understanding can only have a positive effect on the planetary environment. Ecological salvation lies in perpetual motion. The unlimited potential of perpetual motion machines will enable man to reverse the march of entropy, save the environment, face catastrophic situations boldly and secure his existence effectively. It will be an exciting time to live!


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madbox...: Enter your reply here... Jul 15, 2014 21:11:05 GMT -5
madbox...you hail him as king.: Enter your reply here... Jul 15, 2014 21:11:48 GMT -5
madbox...you hail him as king.: Enter your reply here... Jul 15, 2014 21:12:14 GMT -5
s: s Apr 29, 2015 12:48:15 GMT -5
mrgallen: I have already solved Besslers wheel!! I have many things to say, but I must be careful not to reveal it until after I get the provisional and some funding. I ran out of money, but have it operating inside working model. Obvious things gone un-noticed. May 27, 2015 16:24:54 GMT -5
mrgallen: this will blow everyone away! I just love the novelty of this, and the implications it has in teaching physics, and in exposing truth. Astounding that something so simple has alluded man for so very long! Simplicity, trust, faith, belief all get a boost! May 27, 2015 16:28:12 GMT -5
mrgallen: I cant wait to see how others react to the pattern of movement, the feeling one gets from watching it, and the sense of vindication bringing some to near tears. Astounding! Awesome indeed! May 27, 2015 16:30:24 GMT -5
mrgallen: This will prove to be the missing link to understanding the true nature of gravity and its relationship to such topics as polarity, electro-magnetic, etc. Huh...gravity relates to magnets? How so? You will see. You will feel it! May 27, 2015 16:33:29 GMT -5
mrgallen: to see something expand and contract simultaneously is so awe inspiring, and with such weight hanging in the balance...so lovely indeed. Besslers poetic description of it being like children playing on playground equip. is so 'right on'. May 27, 2015 16:38:09 GMT -5
mrgallen: We simply have not understood rotation. Has no one sat down and studied the movements within the 4 quadrants of rotating wheel? What is it? Fear? Responsibility? Insecurity? Feels right to unveil this now. May 27, 2015 16:42:44 GMT -5
luckyblue: youtu.be/kzqqm0u6k4m Jul 10, 2015 12:51:28 GMT -5 *
Myself: www.5z8.info/guns_z4a3ts_5waystokillwithamelon maybe check this out before doing anything. Sept 10, 2016 12:47:18 GMT -5
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